Sunday, May 10, 2009

Universitatea si viitorul

Un text vizionar si provocator. Oare Universitatea viitorului va arata altfel decit o stim noi?
Probabil ca da.

GRADUATE education is the Detroit of higher learning. Most graduate programs in American universities produce a product for which there is no market (candidates for teaching positions that do not exist) and develop skills for which there is diminishing demand (research in subfields within subfields and publication in journals read by no one other than a few like-minded colleagues), all at a rapidly rising cost (sometimes well over $100,000 in student loans).
Widespread hiring freezes and layoffs have brought these problems into sharp relief now. But our graduate system has been in crisis for decades, and the seeds of this crisis go as far back as the formation of modern universities. Kant, in his 1798 work “The Conflict of the Faculties,” wrote that universities should “handle the entire content of learning by mass production, so to speak, by a division of labor, so that for every branch of the sciences there would be a public teacher or professor appointed as its trustee.”

Unfortunately this mass-production university model has led to separation where there ought to be collaboration and to ever-increasing specialization. In my own religion department, for example, we have 10 faculty members, working in eight subfields, with little overlap. And as departments fragment, research and publication become more and more about less and less. Each academic becomes the trustee not of a branch of the sciences, but of limited knowledge that all too often is irrelevant for genuinely important problems. A colleague recently boasted to me that his best student was doing his dissertation on how the medieval theologian Duns Scotus used citations.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Degradarea actului jurnalistic in 2008

O realitate: Degradarea actului jurnalistic in 2008

Fenomenul cel mai îngrijorător este degradarea fără precedent a actului jurnalistic, rezultat al dispreţului generalizat faţă de normele deontologice. Cauza este goana după audienţă, care pare să aibă o singură soluţie – tabloidizarea. Este doar una dintre concluziile Raportului privind libertatea de exprimare în 2008, realizat în cadrul programului FreeEx al ActiveWatch - Agenţia de Monitorizare a Presei.
Tabloidizarea a atins toate segmentele presei: piaţa media continuă un proces evident de tabloidizare a informaţiei transmisă în presa scrisă, radio, TV şi online, chiar şi pe posturile care ocupă nişa de ştiri.
Derapajele repetate ale posturilor TV au dus la decredibilizarea televiziunilor şi a presei în general: Diverse posturi de televiziune au făcut campanii concertate împotriva sau în favoarea unor persoane publice dând posibilitatea unor politicieni să le catalogheze, în mod agresiv, drept „tonomate de presă” şi să discrediteze astfel întreaga breaslă.
Din concluziile şi observaţiile Raportului privind libertatea de exprimare. Citeste.